OS X Yosemite Dock Tricks: Single / Active App Mode, & Auto-Hide Timer

By Fauzan on March 1, 2015 in http://cupertinotimes.com

In this post we will tell you about some awesome but simple Yosemite dock tricks that you can implement to improve the look and behavior of your Mac dock. By default these tweaks are built into OS X but they are hidden so to use them you will need to type commands in the Terminal. To open the Terminal go to the Utilities folder in Applications and find it there or alternatively just hit command+spacebar and type Terminal. The tweaks will work on OS X 10.10 Yosemite while most of them will also work on Mavericks and Mountain Lion as well.

We’ve got a few OS X Yosemite Dock tricks for you to check out!
Single App Mode: Clicking On An App Will Hide All Others
 If you want to have only one app open at a time you can use the Single app mode. You will only have one desktop on your Mac and opening an app will hide all others. The command to do this is:
defaults write com.apple.dock single-app -bool TRUE; killall Dock

Set A Timer For Auto-Hiding The Dock
You can also set the timer to auto hide your dock. Adding a delay of your liking will take some tries so enter the following command with a 0 to remove the delay altogether, 1 for normal, 2 to double it and so on. Experiment with it:
defaults write com.apple.dock autohide-time-modifier -float 1; killall Dock
Only Active Apps In Dock
To get the Windows taskbar look for your dock you can have only active apps appear on your dock. After closing an app the icon for that app will disappear from your dock this also will offer a more minimalist look for you. To do this just enter the following command in Terminal: 
defaults write com.apple.dock static-only -bool TRUE; killall Dock
Again, to disable this feature just replace the ‘TRUE’ with ‘FALSE’. Another thing you might want to do is to disable the ‘Show indicators for open applications’ option in ‘System Preferences->Dock’. 

How To Add Blank Spaces To OS X Dock

There’s also a nice, simple way to add blank spaces to the OS X dock for better categorization of app icons. It has been covered in a separate post so we won’t discuss it here.

Reset The Dock To Factory Settings
Also, if you need to reset your dock to the way it was before you read this article use this command (last one I promise):
defaults delete com.apple.dock; killall Dock

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